Saturday, October 13, 2007


Yesterday I began to read my first college book that started out, "Once apon a time... " and the name of the book was....... Educating Congregations - The Future of Christian Education by Charles R. Foster. I would have to say he did an outstanding job of keeping the reader engaged from the first page but hey I'm still only in the first chapter so I'll let you know how it goes.

I just found this singer named Brandon Heath, I'm in love. He is so great. I feel like I can't not listen to Christian music, it's my absolute favorite.

I'm crazy all over the place today. Sitting in my room on my computer listening to campaigns and finding new artists. Ok so maybe not that crazy. I was watching a video for the one campaign today and I learned that 16,000 people die a day from starvation!! I want to change that.
Relating to that I was talking with the students from my old youth group that were here and explaining to them what they had to do in order to organize 30 hr Fammin. I miss that. I really need to start something new or get involved. I am so passionate about it. I'm ready to act on it here.
I read this really great quote today that stated, "God did not create your body and put a dream inside; God created a dream and built your body around it. You are more than your body; you are a dream of God." Let's all live that out ok? I really want to more and more everyday be that person that teaches others about Christ and shows them His everlasting love.
I have never been more sure that this is where Christ wants me to be, this is what He wants me to be doing. Don't get me wrong, I am a sinner who can't live without my Savior, what I'm trying to say is I'm not perfect and monthly, weekly, daily, per minute there things Christ teaches me and shows me that I might be doing something wrong. I want a make a difference, not to just be able to say I made a difference but thats my dream, His dream.

That's all for this time, off to Boise.

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