Friday, October 24, 2008

Little Mistakes

All it takes is one little mistake to create a big one. 

I have broken free of a pesky bad habit and for 6 months have been free. Though for some of us, all it takes is one party, sip, puff, tap, poke or even breath to break our strong hold. Why I wonder. I don't want those pesky bad habits to define myself. 

A month or so ago, I watched a Nooma video (Nooma is a devotional video series that Rob Bell had made - check it) about defining yourself and accepting yourself for who you are. 
For the longest time I have been avoiding looking at myself up close. I don't mean in the mirror but in my soul, my beliefs, my loves, what defines me. And actually answer for myself, Who am I?
I don't think I can avoid this question much longer.

I am...
A believer
One who will stand for Christ always
A brunette
amazed by God everyday
sometimes crazy
sometimes scared of what the future holds
striving to have my heart hidden in Christ
(i'm still working on it)

I am not...
Who the devil wants me to be

And as long as Christ has a hold of my soul I never will be. This will be forever. 

This blog is for me than anything else and God...

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